We need Wiki9999 to defuse the abuse of power, because any discussion on a SINGLE platform could be subject to censorship. For example Twitter can censor, depending on a government's criteria. Only a decentralized joint discussion on many different platforms can reduce the abuse of power and assure a discussion on even terms.
The Wiki9999 project supports only the collection of public data; private data is distributed across the various platforms. In contrast, Facebook collects private and public information from people that can be analyzed by the CIA and by companies. From customized advertising to visits from the police, anything is possible. Wiki9999 does not facilitate collection or analysis of any private data in any way.
We need Wiki9999 for better data sharing that excludes private data.
Wiki9999 will consist of a network of different platforms that shares their information on a topic. Various participants can decide for themselves which website suits them best, in order to access that information and contribute new information to the network. A competition for users among websites is welcomed, because that stimulates technical progress, better user experience, and clear positioning. Furthermore, it is open to everyone to participate by using their own platform.
We need Wiki9999 to make an evolution of platforms possible, in order to give every citizen a wider range of ways to participate in a common discussion.
In addition to censorship and abuse of power, the enemies of transparency are lack of information, too much of information, and incorrect information.
Any one platform will collect less information than an amalgamation of several platforms, but the challenge lies in filtering and processing information.
Such filtering and processing always takes place according to personal criteria, so it is important to that there be competition among "information aggregators". The contrasts among different aggregations will generate greater transparency than a solo aggregation by any single person or organization. An aggregation would consist of a selection of different opinions, standpoints and proposals on the network. Furthermore, each platform will present its own standpoint, which forms its views about a topic.
We need Wiki9999 to assure that every platform of the network has access to the same information, to level the playing field of competition for the best information aggregation.
We need Wiki9999 to empower users to filter and aggregate through their own criteria.
Only those who publish their opinions can get feedback. Positive feedback helps confirm their own position, while negative feedback opens up new perspectives that can then either be adopted (learning from others) or rejected (maintaining their own opinions).
Wiki9999 consists of a network of platforms; it is not, itself, a platform; thus, everyone can escape the pressure of adapting to the politics of a specific platform by either switching to another one or by creating a new one and attracting like-minded people. The possibility that individuals can maintain their opinions by leaving a group can de-escalate conflicts. This will generate a diversity of groups, each with its own standpoint on a particular issue. Nevertheless, learning is needed in order to find a common response to a topic.
Only those who attempt to integrate dissenting perspectives into their own world-view can successfully find a widely acceptable answer to an issue.
On the one hand, we need Wiki9999 to favor the formation of groups of like-minded people on a single platform; on the other hand, the existence of feedback loops among various platforms enables a joint learning process for everyone. The search for a common response to an issue presupposes the development of mutual understanding. Only those who submit proposals for a joint response are able to receive feedback from others. Only those who receive feedback from people who think differently can learn from them.
We need Wiki9999 for building bridges among institutions, NGOs, social movemente, platforms, websites, people and politics to enable the search for what is in the interest of the 99,99%.