Wiki9999 is going to use three content types:
Every participant can contribute one opinion to any discussion. Everyone can comment on this opinion. The color is #60B22F.
Each website can offer one standpoint per discussion on a topic. Every user of a website can edit this standpoint. The color is #294798.
Each website can make one proposal for a joint response on a discussion. The different proposals should converge through the interaction of the feedback-loops. The color is #009FE3.
Wiki9999 is going to use three functionalities:
1. Select a topic
The user can select a discussion on the network. => All data of a discussion on the network appears.
2. Playing with different kinds of filter and aggregators
A user can filter and aggregate the data on the network through a slide controller. => A user can choose to see all the data, or data filtered and aggregated in different ways, or a compact summary of the selected discussion. The user decides the criteria for filtering and aggregating!
3. Giving Feedback
A user can contribute an opinion, and can edit the standpoint and proposal of their website. A user can give feedback through comments.
We need a designer for the interface of the future end-user website. We also appreciate feedback regarding the current design of